GEMA | Universidad Mayor

01 marzo 2018

Preliminary results of the reaction of cyclotrimerization of phenylacetylene [2+2+2] catalyzed by [(Cp*)Co(Indene)] complex

Morales-Verdejo, C., Camarada, M. B., Morales, V., Cañete, Á., Martínez, I., Manriquez, J. M., & Chávez, I. (2018). Preliminary Results of the Reaction of Cyclotrimerization of Phenylacetylene [2+ 2+ 2] Catalyzed by [(Cp*) Co (Indene)] Complex. Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society, 63(1), 3898-3901.

Abstract: This work describes the catalytic study of [(Cp*)Co(Ind)] (with Cp*= pentamethylcyclopentadienyl, Ind= Indenyl, (C9H7)) complex in cyclotrimerization of phenylacetylene. From the cylcotrimerization reaction was possible to obtain products such as substituted pyridines 2-methyl-3,5-diphenylpyridine (3), 2-methyl-4,6-diphenylpyridine (4) and the compound 1,2,4-triphenylbenzene (5) using acetonitrile as solvent. On the other hand, using toluene as solvent under the same working conditions, the product of reaction was 1,3,5-triphenylbenzene (1). Furthermore, by varying the working conditions, the reaction is 90% selective towards the formation of pyridine.

In addition, has been appreciated the formation of another product 1,4-diphenilbuta-1,3-diyne (2), which was isolated and characterized by means NMR and GC-Mass spectrometry.

DOI: 10.4067/s0717-97072018000103898
800 8064Lab5 Nanotecnología


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